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NYC Scavenger Hunt

Team A: Sophia, Marina, Elijah and Comfort

Team B: Chris, Peyton and Brianna

Team C: Courtney, Cole and Demario

Team D: Cody, Lawrence and Tiffany


Here’s a list of 20 different things for teams to take a photo of.  Each team should take a group picture with each of the locations.  The hunt will start at 9:30 to 8:30 pm.  I will keep scores during the day as I get your images.  I will post status and updates for all the teams.  


  1. Manhattan Solstice, 8 points

  2. Chrysler Building, points

  3. Empire State Building, 4 points

  4. The Last Gaslight Lamppost (Patchin Place), 7 points

  5. Lenin on Houston, 6 points

  6. Entrance sign for Central Park, 4 points

  7. Daily News Building Lobby, 5 points

  8. Times Square, 4 points

  9. Rockefeller Center (Flags), 4 points

  10. Interior of the Grand Central Terminal, 4 points

  11. Section of the Berlin Wall, 6 points

  12. Madison Square Garden, 2 points

  13. Marilyn Monroe Subway Grate (Southwest Corner of Lexington Ave and 52nd Street), 5 points

  14. The High Line, 4 points

  15. The Tribute Quilt in the American Folk Art Museum (free entrance), 6 points

  16. The Creative Little Garden in the East Village, 3 points

  17. Chinatown, 4 points

  18. Eating a slice of New York pizza, 3 points

  19. Photo with someone dressed up as the Statue Of Liberty, 5 points



1. Each team should take a group picture with each of the locations. Close enough that you can recognize that you were there.

2. You need to text Hannah the picture as soon as it’s taken so she count your points.

3. Team with the highest score wins. (TBA)



There are a couple of ways you can score this NYC scavenger hunt:

1) Each location or challenge has a different point value due to the degree of difficultness.

2) See points besides each location to make an informed decision as to which items you would want to take priority.


Regardless of how you score the scavenger hunt, two or more teams may finish with the same number of points.

For a tie breaker the first team to finish first with the highest points will win.



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