Hannah Israel is the 2019 Blue Heron Artist-in-Residence. She is a Professor of Art and the Gallery Director at Columbus State University. While in the program, Hannah exhibited, Flutter, Wink, & Rustle: Intimate Conversations of Plants, at the Blue Heron Nature Preserve in Buckhead. Israel is a conceptual artist who draws beauty out of tangible materials, reflecting the fragility of the world in her poetic works. In addition, Israel created an honors course at CSU, Great Conversations: Art and Nature.
Israel explains, “The nature of my work maps the relationship of our existence. I communicate moments in my life by illustrating how fragile language can be and how predictable our experiences are based on the temperament of the world around us.”
The exhibition ran through September 21 through December 31, 2019. The honors course ran through January 17 - May 5., 2019. She also juried, Listening to Waters, Site specific works in Blue Heron Nature Preserve for the Earth Day Festival, April 27, 2019.
Contact: israel_hannah@columbusstate.edu
Website: hannahisrael.net